Lisa Michael is currently employed with HCL Tehchnologies in Chelmsford Massachusetts. She has over 20 yrs experience in providing Technical support with IBM for various applications for the Lotus / Domino software brand. She has been a member of the Domino Mail Routing Team, Domino Crash and Performance. Sametime Instant Messaging. She has expert knowledge in TCPIP, SMTP, IMAP, SIP, NRPC and HTTP protocols.
In May of 2019, Lisa joined the HCL Federal Support center, providing support for HCL's Federal Customers. She now supports: Websphere Portal, HCL BIg Fix, Websphere Commerce, Sametime, Lotus Domino, Websphere Connections and Unica.
She is currently a student at Harvard Extension School learning to become a Full Stack Web Developer. She is learning HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JQuery, NodeJS, Mongo, MySQL, Express and more.